FGS psp series is a profess ional solenoid pumps series, designed for horizontal installation, with mechanical adjustm ent of stroke, advanced digital electronics and high performance hydraulics.Thewide range of available models and options will allow to choose the perfect pump for your application needs.
Available Models :
- FGS psp161 : Multi- function pump, with pulseand 0/4- 20 mA inputs
- FGS psp162 : Model with built- in pH/RX- mete r and electrode input on BNC conne ctor
- FGS psp163 : Model with built- in chlorine meter, available in two version (psp163A with input for CLE12 cell,or pspl63Bwith input for CL£16 cell)
- FGS psp164 : Model with built- in conductivity meter, also available with software for automatic purge of cooling towers
Main Features :
- CONSENT input for external consent to the dosage and / or monitoring of water flowto the sensors.
- pH or redox input selection through configuration menu (FGS pspl62 model).
- Separated inputs fo r level control and injection flow control.
- Alann s and errors (diagnostic) directly shown on display
- Automatic compensation of the power voltage variations (from - 30 up to + 10%)
- Two config ur ation levels, standard and advanced, both protected by password.
- Configuration and calibration datasaving on non-volatile memory for at least 10 years.
- Internal clock, equipped with buffer battery to ensure the functioning even when the pump is not powered; canbe used for scheduling the pump operations.
- Auxiliary output (optional) for remoteIndicationof the proper functioning of the pump: may be a programmable relay (NO or NC) or, alternatively,a 4- 20 mA signal.
- "Repetit ion" output (optional) for sending remotely the magnet pulseto other pumps provided with pulseinput.
- RS232C serial port(opt ional) for communicationwith a supervisor (e.g.RWl 4).
- Built- in counter of injectedlitres,usefulfor maintenance requests and resettable through password.
- Counters of diaphragm working hours and shots, can bedisplayed and reset via "service"password.
- Factory data restoring with differentcodes for different pump models and configurations.
- Multi- tension power supply.
- Multi- languageInterface.
- Self- priming funct ion
- Mecha nical adjustment of stroke (flowrate)
Mechanical Diaphragm Metering Pump
FGM with POLYPROPYLENE pump head
Ideal For :
- Water & Waste Water treatment (Sulfuric acid, aluminium polychloride, sodium hypochlorite)
- Fertirrigation
- Pulp & Paper industry
- Acid or neutral chemical products
FGM with S.S.316L pump head
Ideal For :
- Beverage Industry
- Water & Waste water treatment (peracetic acid, polyelectrolyte, nitric acid)
- Food industry
- Alkali or neutral chemical products
FGM with PVDF pump head
Ideal For :
- Water & Waste water treatment (fluorides, chrome, sodium hypochlorite)
- Neutral chemical products
- Acid and strong acid chemical products